Jingle Purrs

Jingle Purrs

1.75" tall

Create your own Jingle Purr!

and if you like Personalize it too!

Great gift not only for yourself but for Family and friends
Have your own Kitty's names put on them if you like!
Limit is 10 Letters
From Fluffy, Cleo to 1st Christmas
Send the purrfect message this Holiday Season!
Neil will personalize your Jingle Purrs for you!
Contact your dealer for more information

Create your own!

Email or call in the following details to your dealer or bern67@optonline.net  631-727-5759
Cat Color Choice
Shadow Orange
Shadow Black

Hat color
Red, Green, Blue, Ivory, Purple, Brown
Trim Color
(Trim being Hat Fur and Collar)
Ivory, Gold or Silver
Sorry Eye colors will be chosen by Neil

Shadow Orange 22 Grey 23 Brown 24 Brown 24 Ivory 26 Shadow
Black 29